Home > Articles > All Issues > 2023 > Volume 11, No. 3, September 2023 >
JOIG 2023 Vol.11(3): 233-241
doi: 10.18178/joig.11.3.233-241

Improvement of Presence in Live Music Videos and Alleviation of Discomfort of Viewers by Zooming Operation

Ai Oishi *, Eiji Kamioka, Phan Xuan Tan, and Manami Kanamaru
Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan; Email: {kamioka, tanpx, kanamaru.manami.a4}@shibaura-it.ac.jp
*Correspondence: ma21024@shibaura-it.ac.jp (A.O.)

Manuscript received August 15, 2022; revised September 20, 2022; accepted October 19, 2022.

Abstract—People can enjoy watching live performances without visiting live venues thanks to the development of live music streaming services on the Internet. However, such live music videos, especially those recorded by amateur band members, lack a sense of presence. Therefore, in the previous study, the authors proposed a method to improve the sense of presence in live music videos by performing zooming on the video frames. It achieved enhancing the sense of presence. However, it also increased the discomfort of the viewers. This is because the zooming was performed not on a music performer but in the center of the screen, resulting in an unnatural experience for the viewer. Therefore, in this paper, a new zooming method, which effectively emphasizes the music performer with intense movement, is proposed, introducing the concept of the “Main Spot”. The evaluation results through an experiment verified that the proposed method improved the sense of presence in live music videos and alleviated the discomfort of the viewers.

Keywords—presence, main spot, Region of Interest (ROI), peripheral vision, live music video

Cite: Ai Oishi, Eiji Kamioka, Phan Xuan Tan, and Manami Kanamaru, "Improvement of Presence in Live Music Videos and Alleviation of Discomfort of Viewers by Zooming Operation," Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 233-241, September 2023.

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